Whether you’re an adult looking to add a fun upgrade to your backyard or whether you’re a kid who’s looking to replicate some schoolyard fun at your house, a tetherball set is a great thing to be able to do, at your leisure!
Tetherball is a catchy game that doesn’t require any special equipment or outfits – you can jump in and play, even if you’re a novice! It’s a safe, fun, and easy activity to wrap your head around.
While a tetherball set might be easy enough to find in a sporting goods store or on the internet, it’s helpful to know some things about the best sets, before you make a purchase.
You don’t want to purchase a tetherball set that isn’t ideal for your yard, or any other environment you plan on having it in!
It might seem like a tough task, but we’re here to help you figure out how to choose the best tetherball set.
The choice might not jump out at you immediately, but with knowledge of the best choices as well as all of the important features to take into consideration, you might have an easier time finding a suitable piece of sporting equipment.
Without further ado, let’s get to the choices!
Buying Guide
Below, we’ve listed a plethora of key features to look out for, when you’re on the hunt for a great tetherball set. Don’t forgo any of these features; they could lead to an unsatisfactory purchase!
Paying attention to detail is important when you’re a consumer, and all the details below are details you don’t want to miss.
Permanent or Temporary Base
The pole is, undoubtedly, one of the most important parts of a tetherball set. What’s more important than the pole itself is the way that the pole is fixed in or out of the ground.
For our sake, most tetherball sets come with bases that can be filled with materials such as sand or water, which hold the set in place while the ball is moving.
On the other hand, some sets come with ways for them to be fixed into the ground, permanently. If you’re looking for a tetherball set to install in a permanent place, this type of grounding is what you’ll want to look for.
Of course, some sets are also able to be permanently grounded or temporarily grounded – it’s up to you!
This aspect of tetherball sets refers specifically to the ability of the pole to fold in on itself, increasing its mobility and storage ability.
If you plan only using your tetherball set for special occasions or circumstances, you’ll want to have a tetherball pole that’s collapsible, which will make your life easier when you must put it away.
Rope Material
Durability should be one of the primary concerns of an educated tetherball set shopper.
Durability doesn’t just require you to look into the ball or the pole, however – it also requires knowledge of the best material for the rope that connects the ball to the pole.
We’d suggest buying a tetherball set with a rope that’s made from nylon. This weather-resistant material is also quite hardy. It will surely last long and hold up in the face of constant twists, turns, and ball hits.
Ball Material
The material of the ball is also quite important when choosing a tetherball set. You’ll want a material that’s weather-resistant and one that easily withstands the wear that accompanies repetitive hits of its fabric.
Tetherball are most similar to outdoor volleyballs.
Be aware of whether the tetherball set you’re thinking of getting is designated for indoor or outdoor use – the material of the ball might be different!
Pole Height
Some tetherball sets might be designed strictly for small children. If you’re purchasing the set for an adult or for someone who’s taller than five feet, you don’t want to have a pole for them to hit that’s barely taller than their head!
Ease of Assembly
Forget all the nuts, bolts, and screws – a tetherball set should be easy to setup, and that’s that. Think about it this way – when we purchase something for enjoyment, we don’t want to spend hours trying to figure out how to put it together.
Forget the sets that don’t have clear instructions or have a ton of parts/extras to worry about! This will only prolong the time it takes for you to get to playing tetherball!
Pole Material
The material that the pole is composed of is particularly important when it comes to the longevity of your tetherball set.
You’ll want the pole of your set to be made from galvanized steel, the strongest and most durable metal you can find in outdoor sports products.
Other materials such as aluminum will suffice as well.
Swing Radius
The swing radius is simply the maximum area that the ball can reach, from the stretch of its rope. You won’t want to have a ball that ends up in the path of unwanted objects.
You can risk damaging the area the ball is set up in, as well as the ball or tetherball set itself!
While there is certainly an appeal when it comes to tetherball sets that aren’t fully grounded, heavy weights at the bottom of the set can make life frustrating for the user.
Imagine if you’re having to move the tetherball set every week, and the weight is so heavy that it hurts your back to get it off the ground.
We’d recommend looking for a tetherball set that’s weighted down by water if you’re looking for one that’s mobile.
Rope Attachment
Unless the tetherball set you’re looking to purchase falls over or the ball hits someone in the face, odds are that you won’t have to worry much about its overall safety.
What if the rope flies off of the pole when you’re hitting the ball, however? That could be an entirely different and unsafe story.
We recommend a tetherball set with an internal attachment that extends out of the top of the pole, as opposed to one that simply clips onto the outside of the pool.
We’d say that the internal attachments are less likely to fly off if something were to happen.
Extra Accessories
From extra balls to extra ropes, the value of additional parts and accessories shouldn’t be underestimated. When it comes to tetherball sets, this is especially true.
While some materials might be touted as “durable” and “long-lasting”, you never know what could go wrong!
A warranty is also something you’ll want to keep your eyes on when searching for a tetherball set.
Now that you’ve got a glimpse at all of the important things to keep your eyes peeled for when doing tetherball set shopping, let’s take a look at ten of the top sets you can get your hands on.
If you use the above information paired with the high-rated sets below, you’ll be able to make a purchase without having to grit your teeth or cross your fingers!
Let’s get to it.
Top Ten Tetherball Set Reviews
1. Lifetime 90029 Portable Tetherball System
The Lifetime Portable Tetherball System is great for novice tetherball players but can also stand the intensity that can accompany aggressive tetherball matches, making it a versatile set for all ages!
It’s able to be moved because of its base, which you can fill with water, sand, or whatever else you think might hold it in place. It’s incredibly stable, with the ability to optimally function on a variety of different surfaces.
The rope is composed of nylon, which extends from a hefty steel pole, giving longevity to an already versatile tetherball set.
If you’re worried about the weight of the base, fear not – wheels are conveniently located on the bottom of it for easy moving and storage!
The Lifetime Portable Tetherball system is a stupendous tetherball system, suitable for all ages and forms of competition.
- Easy to move
- Composed of durable materials
- Feature wheels on the bottom of its base
- Rope is attached by a clip, rather than into the center of the pole
- Doesn’t come with any extra accessories
2. All Surface PRO Swingball Tetherball
This offering is a wildcard we threw in here because we know some players (and their parents) would rather play this than classic tetherball. Swingball is a great way to develop hand/eye coordination and it’s just plain fun.
It looks like it’s for kids (and it IS) but adults can play too! It works on any surface because you simply fill the base with water or sand and you’re ready to play.
It’s a very portable unit with all components fitting into the base (where you’d put sand or water).
This version of the All-Surface Pro is the latest in a line of versions that received updates and improvements. In this case, the pole is wider and sturdier and there are more spirals so the game lasts longer.
The height is adjustable way up to 5.5 feet.
The whole deal includes a Pro Swingball, 2 heavy-duty checker bats, a base inset scoring system, and a steel tube that’s adjustable for height. The weight of the package is 5 pounds and it’s officially rated for ages 6 and up.
I (pretty much) guarantee it’ll provide hours of fun for you and your friends’ children!
Like many toys, we don’t guarantee that they’ll play it often after a year or two, but even if it’s for a while, it should easily be worth its price in entertainment value.
- Colorful, child-friendly design
- Stable
- Adjustable height
- Does not come with the ability to stick the pole into the ground
- The build quality can be questionable on some units with the pole eventually not attaching well to the base
3. Sterling Sports Deluxe Tetherball Set
The Sterling Sports Tetherball Set might be tough to set up, but it’ll surely provide both kids and adults alike with hours of fun once it’s in place!
The Sterling Tetherball Set might be a little strange to set up, but as far as placing it in the ground, you won’t have a problem. We’d recommend buying concrete to set it in, as it’ll probably wiggle if you don’t do this.
Apart from this, the set comes with sturdy steel poles, a durable ball, and a hand pump to keep the ball at its peak air capacity! You can swing the ball as far as 12 feet away from the post, but make sure nothing gets in its way!
The rope’s length can be adjusted, and the pole’s height can as well. The Sterling Sports Deluxe Tetherball Set is an affordable, durable purchase.
- Durable pole, rope, and ball
- Can be adjusted to accommodate space restrictions
- Comes with a ball pump
- Tough to set up
- You might have to purchase concrete to set it, depending on who’s playing
4. Park & Sun Sports Permanent Outdoor Tetherball Set
The Park and Sun Tetherball Set might not be easy to move, but it’s easy to set up and quite versatile! You can purchase either the two-piece or three-piece pole set, with each piece being removable and playable on.
You can remove or add a section of the pole to compensate for height! The poles themselves are made of hardy steel, which will surely stand stark in the face of rain, snow, and sunlight.
There are several accessories that come with it in addition to the ball and the rope, such as a hand pump with two extra needles. The Park and Sun Tetherball set is a set for those looking to get a pole set up in a permanent location.
The build of the base makes it so that you’ll need concrete to get it to stay put. Overall, it’s a great tetherball set but lacks mobility.
- Easy to assemble
- Comes with a ball pump and two extra inflation needles
- Pole is made of galvanized steel
- You’ll have to have concrete to ground it
- Can’t be moved once it’s set in place
5. Franklin Sports Recreational Tetherball Set
The Franklin Sports Recreational Tetherball Set is for casual tetherball players who are looking for something to use occasionally, or on vacations. It stands only 8 feet high, two feet less than the average tetherball pole.
It does its job, however. It comes with a rope that’s made of cotton, which isn’t the best as far as crafting is concerned. The ball is made of vinyl, which is durable enough for the sport.
The set also comes with a pump and needle for ball inflation that can be quite handy. Overall, the Franklin Tetherball Set might not be the hardiest of tetherball sets but it’s moveable, versatile, and easy to set up.
- Easy to move and setup
- Comes with pump and needle
- Easy to assemble
- Only 96 inches tall
- Rope is made of cotton
6. Champion Sports Deluxe Tether Ball Set
The Champion Sports Deluxe Tether Ball set is a decent set, but not the most durable one you can find. It’s easy to set up, has well-marked parts for simple construction, and comes with a handy carrying bag, for easy travel.
On paper, everything bodes well for this tetherball set. It features nylon rope construction, a vinyl ball, and a pump and needle set that comes with it.
There are, however, reports of its rigidity being called into question after it has been set up and played on. Additionally, the pole is only six feet tall. That’s high enough for anyone under the age of 12, but that’s about it.
Overall, this tetherball set is easy to setup, comes with a durable ball and rope, and has a handy ball pump that’s included with the purchase. It is, however, lacking in durability and design.
- Easy to setup
- Durable nylon ball string
- Poor pole design
- Poor durability of the overall set
- Functional issues
My Final Thoughts & Conclusion
The six tetherball sets listed above are perfect for a variety of different people, places, and situations.
Choosing the best one from the lot may seem like a tough task but with the appropriate knowledge in mind, you’ll surely be able to accomplish what you set out to do.
We’ve reached the end of the product reviews but your search certainly isn’t done! With knowledge of the features and top-rated products we just mentioned, you’ll now (hopefully) be able to find a tetherball set that suits your needs.
You might be an adult looking to give your child the best birthday present ever. Or, you could be an adult looking to set up a fun recreational activity in your front or backyard.
Whatever your reason for seeking a tetherball set is, remember to pay attention to the finer details before you make a purchase. The material of the string that attaches to the ball is an important thing to consider.
The environment you’re looking to play in is equally as important. There are many other things as well, as you’ve seen.
We’d recommend the Lifetime 90029 Portable Tetherball System to start with. It can easily move anywhere you’d like it to be moved to and accommodates a variety of different ages due to its adjustable height.
We’ll stop there, however; it’s up to you to make the final decision!