If you’re in the market for a foosball table, you might be surprised at how many options you have. There are a wide range of foosball tables with a lot of different features...
Category: Indoor
Pool is one of the most popular games all over the world. The sport can be played in bars and there are even world championships where the best pool players come together to test their...
You may think cauliflower ear looks cool or is just par for the course for a wrestler, however, it can be very painful and even lead to long term hearing problems later in life. It's vitally...
There is no doubt about it; wrestling is a sport that takes a huge amount of toughness to play. It involves a lot of heavy body contact yet a wrestler does not use much protective equipment. One...
Pool is one of the most-played games in the world and this can be done on a casual level at a bar or at your home, but many players do have aspirations of playing the bigger leagues. If you do not...
Shuffleboard is a game that can be played by virtually anyone. It is a game of strategy and finesse, but it can also be a game of brawn at times. Shuffleboard can be played either on a...