The 9 Best Disc Golf Putters : Beginners, Wind, & Push Putting

If you’re looking for a great way to get outdoors and exercise your body and mind, disc golf is the sport for you. It’s generally really easy to play. You basically throw the disc toward the basket, chase it, and throw it again.

It’s appropriate for all ages, no contact, and a good amount of exercise. There are no golf carts in disc golf, you walk the whole course of 18 holes and will usually add 6,000 steps to your daily count. You need minimal equipment and there are no green fees.

Disc Golf Putter Overview / Guide

A good disc golf driver will get your disc close to the basket, but the best way to improve your score is to work on your putting. There are a lot of discs that are specifically designed for putting, and choosing the right one might be a little overwhelming.

Essentially, putters, or approach discs, are different from drivers because they fly slowly and are shirt flying. They are usually really accurate and easy to control.

With drivers, you have to get a lot of speed and power behind them so they’ll respond the way they’re supposed to. With putters, that is not the case.

Before we list our nine best disc golf putters, there are the things that are important to think about when deciding which one is right for you.


Putters vary in weight significantly. There’s no right answer as to what your putter should weigh, but it’s important to think about the wind. The last thing you’ll want when trying to get to the basket is for a gust of wind to ruin your toss.

Lighter putters will be more affected by the wind while heavier ones will tolerate a breeze without changing course dramatically. Heavier ones also stay straighter in general while lighter ones will curve slightly.

Whether or not you want your putter to curve depends on a lot of things: the course, the hole, the obstacles, and how you prefer to throw

The best solution is to have a variety of putters in your bag, maybe one heavy one and one that’s more lightweight.  The good thing about discs is they’re really reasonably priced, so carrying around a few isn’t going to hurt your wallet too much.

Kind of Plastic

Discs are made in a wide range of plastics. Most brands will have their own blends and names for the various levels of plastics they use, but they will generally all fit into the same categories.

The kind of plastic used to make a putter or approach disc will affect the grip, the weight, and how well the disc will withstand wear and tear. The general categories of plastic are as follows:

Basic Plastics

Although there aren’t any discs that are exceptionally expensive, discs made of basic plastic are generally the cheapest of the bunch. They have a good grip but get scratches and nicks pretty easily which will eventually affect their shape and performance.

Middle-Grade Plastic

This isn’t a really commonly used material because the quality is not much better than basic plastic, but they cost a little more.

They’re also vulnerable to wear and tear and have a good grip, but most players either go with the less expensive basic plastic option or one that’s a bit more expensive.

Ultra Durable

These are smooth discs that are pretty hard and can handle a good amount of abuse.

The grip isn’t as good as lower grade plastics, but if you’re playing on courses where there are obstacles like trees close to the bucket and your putter or approach disc might get a little beat up, they’re a good choice.

Premium Plastic

These are the most expensive discs, but they have everything: durability, grip, control, and performance.

Flight Path Ratings

The Innova brand developed a system for rating the flight plans of all discs and a lot of other brands have adopted it as an easy way to compare discs from brand to brand.

There are other systems, like the one that the Discraft brand uses for their discs, but since the Innova system is the most popular, that is the one we’re going to jump into.

Remember, the ratings don’t guarantee that a disc will perform the way the ratings say they will, the skill and technique of the player are still the deciding factors. But the rating system will tell you what the disc is capable of.

Flight paths are broken down into four categories.


Speed is rated from 1 to 14. For comparison, drivers will have a speed rating of 8 or more. Some of the long-distance drivers will even have speed ratings of ip to 13 or 14. For putters, a speed rating is typically between 1 and 3.

The speed rating isn’t actually a measurement of how fast the disc will go, it refers to how fast you will need to throw the disc to get it to perform the way it was designed to.


Glide is a measure of how long the disc can stay in the air and the higher the number, the longer the distance. Putters are usually rated around 3 for a putter because you’re not really aiming for distance, you’re more concerned with accuracy.


Turn refers to how much curve the disc has when it leaves your hand and is moving at high speed. It tells you how stable the disc is early in the throw. The range is measured from 1 to -5. Most putters come in the range of -3 to 1.


Fade is how the disc behaves at the end of a flight when it’s moving at it’s slowest. It’s measured from 1 – 6. Putters usually come in between 0 – 3.

Ratings are written as a series of numbers. For example, a putter rating might be 2/3/0/0. For comparison, a long-range driver would have a rating more like 14/7/2/4.

Now that you know a little bit more about what to look for, let’s look at the nine best disc golf putters for this season. 

Best Disc Golf Putter Reviews


The MVP Ion is a great choice for players for beginners and seasoned players. It’s a great long-range putter with a decent glide and just a slight fade at the end of its path. MVP has several plastic options available and the Ion is available in all of them.

This disc flies extremely straight and maintains its path well even when it’s a little windy although it won’t stand up to higher-speed gusts. It has a flight path of 3/4/0/1.

It’s available in weights ranging from 150 to 175 grams. It’s a sturdy disc with a soft rubber edge that provides a decent grip without being sticky and can perform as both a putter and an approach disc.


  • Flies straight
  • Tolerates wind fairly well
  • Good for any level player


  • Slight fade




2.   Prodigy 300 Series PA1


Prodigy Disc 300 Series PA1 (170-175 grams)

The Prodigy 300 and 350 series discs are used by PDGA pros (which is in itself very telling) because of its “trueness”.  It truly is a very predictable and straight flier. 

It fits your hand well with a bit of a bead along the bottom, and it’s excellent for beginners (and pros) because of its predictability.  There’s a bit of a difference between a 300 and a 350 series in that the 350 is slightly stiffer and less bendable. 

Ultimately it’s a matter of preference rather than one being more accurate or “better” than the other.

The 300 falls in the 170g – 175g range.


  • Straight
  • Predictable
  • Tough


  • Not the absolute lowest priced option – falls about the mid-price range





Gateway SuperSoft Wizard Disc Golf Putter

The Gateway Wizard has a longer flight than a lot of other putters, making it great not only for putting but also for the approach. It’s a dense disc made out of grippy plastic and needs to be broken in a bit to loosen up the thick outer edge.

Even once they’re broken in, though, they retain their original shape and stability very well. The disc holds its spin and momentum longer, which gives it its long, stable flights. It’s the brand’s most popular seller and a favorite for putting and shots less than 300 feet.

The Wizard is available in twelve different plastic blends. It weighs 170 – 175 grams and its flight path is 3/5/0/2.


  • Longer glide than most putters
  • Grippy
  • Great for all shots less than 300 feet


  • Dense plastic needs to be broken in a bit initially




4.   Innova DX Aviar Putt and Approach Golf Disc


Innova DX Aviar Putt and Approach Disc Golf Putter 140-150g


This is Innova’s most popular disc, which is saying something because they’re one of the biggest disc golf brands around and has won more world championships than all other putters combined.

It’s made in seven different kinds of plastics and five weight ranges from 140 – 175 grams – flight path is 2/3/0/1. Some of the plastics wear faster than others, so the quality depends on which one you choose.

The Aviar is a really straight flying disc with enough glide to make it a good approach disc, too. It’s accurate and reliable and a great choice for beginners and seasoned players.


  • Flies straight
  • Available in seven different plastics
  • Reliable


  • Some of the choices for plastic aren’t very durable




5.   Gateway S Super Stupid Soft Voodoo


Gateway S Super Stupid Soft Voodoo 165-170g

Gateway’s Voodoo putter comes in four of the brand’s different plastics: soft, super soft, super stupid soft, and evolution. They range in weight from 150 – 175 grams. It’s a really straight, stable disc that feels soft and a bit tacky.

It feels comfortable in your hand and is surprisingly accurate. It’s smaller than some other discs and has a small micro-bead around the rim.

Its flight rating is 3/4/0/1. It’s easy to aim and release and stays straight long enough to be used as an approach disc, too. It can stand up to some mild wind but isn’t the best option for gusts of more than 20 mph.


  • Comes in four different plastics
  • Accurate
  • Smaller than some other putters


  • Can’t handle strong wind gusts





The Axiom Proton Envy is one of the higher-rated discs on Amazon and also one of the BEST-rated discs.  The smoothness of the disc itself makes it simply nice to hold and even just look at.  

This 10 mm class disc also features a high level of stability (it’s a stable/overstable putter) with minimal fade.  The defining qualilty for this putter is its ability to hold a straight path for power throwers and a stable approach for lower power throwers.

It’s PDGA approved and comes in a variety of colors that are transparent and eye-catching.


  • Flies straight
  • Good for long approaches
  • Available in a variety of colors


  • Some users report incorrect colors being sent to them (though you can just return it to Amazon)




7.   Millennium Omega SuperSoft Putter


Millennium Omega Supersoft Putter 165-170g


The Millennium Omega putter is a responsive disc that gives you a lot of control over the things that directly affect your short game – angle, speed, and direction. It’s also a really effective approach disc.

It’s available in four different plastics and the original Supersoft plastic is the brand’s best-seller. It’s great for players of all experience levels. It’s a little sticky, which helps it stay in the basket but can make the grip and release a little tricky until you get used to it.

It’s available in weights between 140 – 175 grams and has a flight path of 2/3/-1/1.


  • Responsive
  • Control
  • Effective approach disc


  • Sticky texture can affect grip and release




8.   Innova XT Nova Overmold Putt & Approach Golf Disc


Innova XT Nova Overmold Putt & Approach Golf Disc [Colors May Vary] - 165-169g


The Innova Nova combines two different blends of plastic to make a very original disc. The outer rim is meant to grab the chains. It’s made of a slightly soft, grippy plastic while the inner plate is also grippy but much firmer.

The combination gives this disc the best of both worlds – stability at high speeds and minimal fade at slow speeds. Something else that makes this disc unique is the slits positioned around the rim.

The material is pretty easy to scratch so it might not last as long as some other putters, but it’s a great putter and approach disc for any player. It’s a heavier disc, with a weight range of 165-175 grams and it’s stable, straight flight path rating is: Speed 2, Glide 3, Turn 0, Fade 0.


  • Two different plastic blends
  • Grips the basket
  • Stable
  • Excellent 4.8/5.0 Amazon rating


  • Easily scratched




9.  Discraft Pro D Roach Putt and Approach Golf Disc


Discraft Pro D Roach Putt and Approach Golf Disc [Colors May Vary] - 170-172g


The Roach putter from Discraft is really straight with only a slight fade at the end of its flight. It also has a pretty good glide so it can be used as an effective approach disc, too.

It’s a pretty fast putter that can glide a little too far when the wind picks up, but is generally pretty reliable and gives the player a lot of control.

This is a great putter for beginners because of the ease of control and ability to perform as a straight approach disc. Weight ranges between 2 disc choices from 170 – 174 grams. It has a Discraft stability rating of 0.0, which is the most stable rating on the Discraft scale.

It’s been rated on the Innova scale as 2/4/-1/1.


  • Straight
  • Slight end fade
  • Good approach disc
  • Well-priced at around half the cost of many other competitors


  • Glides too far when the wind picks up



That concludes our list of the nine top golf disc putters for this season.  See you next year!


Conclusion & Recommendations

If you’re looking for a good putter that can also perform as an approach disc, the MVP Ion can hold its path even when it’s a little windy. It flies extremely straight and is available in all of MVP’s plastic options.

If you want a putter and approach disc with a longer glide, try the Gateway Wizard Disc Golf Putter. With a glide rating of 5, this disc will get you some distance. It’s available in twelve different plastics and is Gateway’s most popular seller.

The Aviar Putt and Approach Golf Disc by Innova is the brand’s most popular seller. It’s a straight flying disc with a good glide that comes in seven different plastics. It’s an accurate and reliable choice for any player.

For a straight, stable disc that’s soft and feels a little tacky, try the Gateway Voodoo. It comes in four different plastics, is smaller than some other putters, and can stand up to light wind.

The top-selling Anode Putter from MVP is great for putting and long approaches thanks to its stability and ability to fly really straight. It comes in four different plastics so you’ll be able to find one that fits your technique and style.

For a disc that gives you a lot of control, there’s the Millennium Omega Putter. Its stickiness helps it grip the basket and it can be used as a strong approach disc. It comes in four different plastics, but the Supersoft is the best seller.

The Innova Nova is a really unique disc in that it’s made with two different blends of plastic: a slightly soft, grippy outer rim and a firmer inner disc. It’s stable at high speeds and has a minimal fade and can be used as a putter or approach disc by any player.

The Roach Putt and Approach Disc from Discraft is really straight with a long glide that allows the player a lot of control. On the Discraft scale, it’s rated a 0 for stability, which is the most stable rating a disc can get. It’s a good choice for new player.

It’s important to remember that no one disc is going to work for everyone and each disc will perform differently depending on who’s using it.

The guidelines offered here should help you figure out what specifications you want to look for, but the best way to figure out which putter will work best for you if to try out a few different ones and pick the one that makes you sink the most putts.




My name's Pete Stec and I'm one of the owners here at and Sport Consumer Family (YouTube). My family and I invite you to travel our journey of wellness for your kids and family through nutrition and exercise while we continue to provide the very best reviews on the sports gear you need for serious competition or for your leisure activity!

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